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Unit #5, Long Stone House,
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St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship By Investment Programme

Investing with cryptocurrency

Are you interested in applying for St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship, but your wealth is held in cryptocurrency?

This is not an issue under the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme. Crypto is revolutionizing the way we bank and invest with the use of virtual coins and tokens. Your cryptocurrency can be a valid source of funds for investment. We are here to guide you through the preparation of your application to the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).


The applicant is required to show proof of ownership of the cryptocurrency.

This can be demonstrated by:

  • Providing the document(s) in support of the ownership of a cryptocurrency wallet, which includes the age of the wallet. The applicant must also provide the equivalent US$ value of the wallet.

In the event the applicant cannot provide a wallet, he/she may provide the following for consideration by CIU:

  • A letter from a cryptocurrency stock exchange, or other institution that provides digital assets services. The letter would be similar to a bank reference letter (stating the applicant’s name and address and the period of time he/she has been a customer).
  • The letter must be accompanied by the client’s account summary which outlines the cryptocurrency held and the equivalent US$ value.
  • Once the applicant is approved, he/she is required to convert the cryptocurrency to US$ then wire the investment funds to the bank account as instructed.

Contact us today for additional information or if you have any questions concerning your cryptocurrency holdings and more investment options under the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme.

Joseph Rowe Attorneys-at-Law

Unit #5, Long Stone House, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis

Tel 1-869-469-1015

Mobile 1-869-762-1015


✉ rowe@josephrowelaw.com or info@josephrowelaw.com

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